The KDM Dairy Report 1/5/2025
1/5/2025 Hope everyone had a good holiday season. All of us at KDM Trading would like to thank our customers for another year of trusting us with your business. Looking at the year to come […]
1/5/2025 Hope everyone had a good holiday season. All of us at KDM Trading would like to thank our customers for another year of trusting us with your business. Looking at the year to come […]
11/23/2024 In the last two months the milk market has gone from not enough milk and prices may go to all-time highs. To now looking at going back into the red for most dairy farmers […]
10/26/2024 Milk production continues to hold steady despite the drop in cow numbers from last year. With 38 thousand less cows; milk production was up slightly from a year ago. This weighed heavily on […]
9/22/2024 After a few weeks of buy pressure sellers showed up this week. With spot prices well above October futures, the market is looking for more selling as we go into the next couple […]
8/25/2024 The summer is drawing to a close with cheese prices higher then they have been for a few years. Schools are back in session drawing more milk toward class 1. Cold storage dropped again […]
7/28/2024 July has been a volatile month with a rally to star and then a drop in the middle to now end putting in new highs for the year on most futures. The heat […]
6/23/2024 Weakness in the dairy market as cheese drops back down to the $1.90 level. Long term demand still a question for many end users with first quarter export numbers better then expected and […]
5/27/2024 It has been a couple of weeks sense the last report and in that time we hit new highs on the spot market and in the futures. Now the market is starting to […]
5/19/2024 No report this week, give us a call if you want to discuss the markets. If you want to read some updates check out our website and Dairy Market News Individual reports under Weekly […]
5/12/2024 No report this week. Hope everyone had a good Mother’s Day.