8/27/2021 Milk production has come down slightly, cheese production still strong, and domestic and export demand is good. With futures moving down this week the class 3 market is still looking for a bottom. Spot […]
8/21/2021 Milk production moved back slightly higher in July after the big drop in June, even though there was 3000 fewer cows than in June. Year over year milk production was up 2.0 percent. Cold […]
8/14/2021 Class 3 futures moved up strong this week as the Spot market climbed. As schools get back into session and the August heat starts to take milk production lower, buyers are stepping back in […]
8/6/2021 With the summer heading into its last weeks and the kids getting ready to go back to school, we have seen some new orders come in from section 32 of the government buying program, […]