09/27/2019 Barrel cheese managed to finish the week unchanged, but blocks gave up another 8¼¢. Buyers were really no where to be seen until Friday, when both blocks and barrels managed to claw back some […]
09/20/2019 After pushing in to new highs on Monday, the spot market began to give up some ground on Tuesday, before completely falling apart on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday’s spot session saw the return of […]
09/13/2019 Wow! Is the dust settled yet? Spot cheese ripped higher this week, slicing through the $2 barrier like a buzzsaw, without so much as a glance back. The block barrel average now sits at […]
09/06/2019 Spot cheese continued to show strength this week, with the block price hitting a level not seen since the last administration was in office; Nov 2014. Settling at $1.99¾/lb, it came within a tick […]